Do you want to get started with Arduino? Or do you want to teach Arduino to your kids? If yes, don’t miss today’s deal. The Official Arduino Starter kit is with a 25% discount on amazon.
Check the Official Arduino Starter Kit below.
Arduino Starter Kit - English Official Kit With 170 Page Book
This is a great kit. Specially if you are a beginner, because it comes with a project book with 15 projects, and all the needed components to build them.
What’s included in this kit?
- Arduino UNO + USB cable
- Project Book with 15 projects
- 1 breadboard
- Jumper wires
- Wooden base
- 9V battery snap
- 6x phototransistor
- 3x potentiometer
- 10x pushbuttons
- Temperature sensor [TMP36]
- Tilt sensor
- 16×2 LCD
- LEDs (several colors)
- DC motor
- Servo motor
- Piezo capsule
- Motor drive L293D
- Optocoupler 4N35
- Transistors, capacitors and diodes
- Resistors assortment (with the most common values)
You may also want to take a lot at other Arduino starter kits. Read our Best Arduino Starter Kits review here.
You may also like: Best Arduino Books For Kids
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